Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Welcome use TravianAutoTask program.

January 06
Welcome use TravianAutoTask program.


  1. Auto upgrade resource

  2. Auto upgrade building

  3. Auto create building (you can option the cranny count)

  4. Auto attack village (no in same alliance and in a option distance with option win rate)

  5. Auto create troops ( You can option win Rate = 1000 * ( troops Count / targetVillage.CropConsumption) )

  6. Set special task for attacking village, upgrade and create new building

We support you good service with the changing of the game.
DownLoad this TravianAutoTask.exe

Requirement: .Net Framework 2.0
If you want to use this auto task program, please contact Youni.name@hotmail.com for lisences.

Pay for the lisences as fellow, and put your comment as your login name of Game.
For US 100$ or RMB 500¥
CMB Card(招商银行http://english.cmbchina.com/)

Card NO. 6225 8802 1589 4081
Owner: Lin zhiming
Chinese Name: 林志明